Online Access.
There are many ways of getting the Crewe and Nantwich Talking Newspaper. Our "traditional" option is to send out memory sticks, which can be played on a computer, a compatible mp3 player, or on a player that we can provide in some circumstances. This option is available to visually impaired persons only.
Equipment can be purchased from the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB). The RNIB shop ( stocks a range of USB and media players:
The content is the same whether you listen via USB stick or online.
Online versions of the Talking Newspaper are usually updated on Wednesday. The advantage with listening online is that you will receive your Talking Newspaper more quickly, as you do not have to wait for the USB stick to be delivered.
If you are using a phone through the mobile network, remember that listening to an edition of the Talking Newspaper will use about 50MBytes of your data allowance.
Listening to the Talking Newspaper from this website.
A link to the latest edition is shown at the top of the first page, of this website. This links directly to the BWBF Web Player.
The British Wireless for the Blind Fund app, lets you play the latest talking newspaper, on your iPhone or Android phone or tablet. It will also give you the choice of listening, to over 200 other talking newspapers. More details here.
Amazon Alexa device.
If you have an Amazon Echo, better known as "Alexa", you can hear the current edition just by asking. More details here.