The Crewe and Nantwich Talking Newspaper Story.
1977: The Beginning.
Crewe and Nantwich Talking Newspaper for the Visually Impaired, was set up following an initiative from Crewe Rotary Club in 1977. They got together a number of local people, who became the nucleus for the organisation as it operates today.
2002: 25 Years Old.
2012: Talking Newspaper Goes Digital.
Like many other Talking Newspapers we transferred to a fully digital operation in October 2012, using USB memory sticks instead of cassette tapes. Since then our membership has increased.
2017: 40 Years Old.
2020: Online access to your Talking Newspaper.
A new phase begins as the Talking Newspaper becomes available on-line, in addition to memory sticks. This allows us to extend the service to include anyone who has a medical or age-related condition that prevents them from reading a printed newspaper.
TODAY: Still going strong!